Hello, and welcome to the website!
      We know that legal documents are not a lot of fun to read, but we think this one is pretty important for you and for us.
      To try to make this agreement easier to read, we use capitalized terms throughout these Terms – they’re either defined below or defined in our Privacy Policy. To start, to be less formal, we call ourselves “we”, and we call you, well, "you".
      Before you use our website or any of our other digital properties (we call such website and digital properties, together, “Site”) or any of the services operated by and products sold by the website (we call such services and products, together, “Services”), please read not only these Terms and Conditions of Use (“Terms”), but also our Privacy Policy and, if you decide to purchase any of our Services (and we really hope you do!), each of the “guarantees” (including our “Happiness Guarantee”), “policies” (including our “Return Policy”, but excluding, for purposes of clarification, our Privacy Policy), and “program” terms (including our Replacement Program Terms) applicable to such purchase set forth on our Site.
      These terms represent a legal agreement between you and us, govern the use of our Site and Services, and are binding for all users of our Site and Services. By using our Site and Services, you agree that: (a) your use of our Site and Services are and will be subject to these Terms; and (b) you will comply with and be bound by these Terms.
      Please read carefully – these terms significantly affect your legal rights, including rights to file a lawsuit in court and to have a jury hear your claims. Among other things, section of these terms provides that, in the event you have a claim against or dispute with us: You will first reach out to us and give us a few days to try to work it out; if you and we can’t work it out in that time, such dispute must be settled by an arbitrator; and you can’t make or join a “class action” Claim. If you do not wish to agree to these terms, please do not use our site or services.